Help Build the
People Pipeline
Center for Water Studies faculty and staff, with generous financial support from the National Science Foundation, partnered with high school educators from Grossmont Union High School District and Helix Charter High School to create water studies curriculum materials for chemistry, physics, and earth sciences, along with a supplementary Career Exploration module.
Click on the images below to learn how you can build awareness of rewarding water jobs and link studies in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math to opportunities in the water, wastewater and conservation industries.
Please let us know what you think. Reach out if you'd like to collaborate, and at the very least, take a minute to let us know you're out there searching for quality materials, and if you plan to use any of our resources. Your input helps us improve our program, and quantify our usefulness for our sponsors.
Vanessa would love to hear from you!

Each module is
4 weeks long
Adaptable to grades 9-12
Contains links to videos, handouts, and materials
Includes materials list for hands on activities
Provides field trips/guest speaker recommendations
These lesson plans were developed by high school STEM teachers from Grossmont Union High School District and Helix Charter High School, with funding and support from a National Science Foundation Grant awarded to the Center for Water Studies at Cuyamaca College.

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